....another day, another storm...
It is so great to have light again before 7 in the morning! Nellie and I can walk back our lane way before I leave for work,
something I don't care to do in the dark. Heading back, I could see the colour coming into the sky -the forecast was for a mostly sunny day with milder temperatures. I am a weather /sky watcher...always have been...I like talking and hearing about the weather around the world...I think in another lifetime, that is what I'd like to be ...a meteorologist. I like maps, I like weather, I like collecting data, most of all I like observation....
Everything turned golden as I was leaving...a little later than normal....no kids at school today....exams are over.....we have 2 PD days before the second semester begins. I had to attend an intake meeting first thing...new student to my class. It was very sad to see this mom, obviously a very caring, supportive mom to her son, trying to make light of her husband's obvious discomfort......dad unfortunately, even after 14 years does not seem to want to accept the fact that "his " son has an intellectual disability. I sensed all he saw were the things he couldn't do rather than all the wonderful things this boy can do and will do in the future! I hope I am wrong...but if I am not, it will become part of my job to mentor the parents as well as the child. Another major snowstorm on the way for tomorrow...like we need more!!! On a positive note -the temperature is always milder when we have snow and after the -20's --30's C we've had lately....bring on the snow!!!!
Shiver! HOW cold?!! I don't fancy that! I love it when it starts to get light earlier in the morning, getting up in the dark is an absolute nightmare for me and no mistake!Nellie doesn't seem to be bothered about the cold tho eh?
It's a pity that some parents can't accept that their kids're special and just need a bit more help to find what they can do. The hopes of the parents - more often than we'd like - can crush small peoples hopes and dreams under all the pressure, i pray this child doesn't have the same burdens to carry xXx
You are so right, Nellie LOVES the cold and snow. First thing she does as she runs outside is roll in the snow, sticks her whole head in the snow and "snowplows" along the ground with her head buried in the snow...it is hilarious to watch...funny thing -it seems to be a trait of the breed???? For a laugh watch Lily the Snowplough Wheaten or others on youtube!!
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