Thursday, February 12, 2009

Midwinter Thaw

The midwinter thaw we are currently experiencing is reducing the snow, but it has nowhere to go...the ground is still frozen front walkway under 4 inches of water....when that freezes later tonight you can be sure I won't be using it!!!
The creek behind the barn, has never frozen solid, even in the minus 35C weather we've had. It is completely open and running in it's meandering pathway to the river (looking east).

The creek to the west of the bridge has a steeper grade the closer to the river it gets -the faster it flows.. Drops of rain from the studio roof fall into a huge wooden barrel (summer rainwater to water plants with) ...but it is still frozen....
It is too bad this milder weather will come to an end tonight....forecast for the next week is -5C - -15C ...but SUNNY....we haven't seen the sun for awhile.....didn't even catch a glimpse of the full moon this month...only snow, rain, clouds and thick ice fog.....

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