Thursday, April 16, 2009


Quite a delightful morning -still cold in the morning (near freezing), but calm, with the promise of a warm day. The birds are everywhere.....ducks.....

.....migrant snow geese that spent the night on the island.....

.....seconds away from sunrise, a Common Loon has flown up the river calling, for several days now. I heard and saw him in the evening as well. Years ago we never saw Loons on the river, now they nest somewhere close by and can be heard calling every morning and evening.
Amazingly - the previous 3 pictures were taken just minutes apart -just in different directions.

This afternoon, more crocus had opened......

...the Hazelnut bushes were full of bees on the catkins.....

...Chinodoxia carpet the that colour!!!!!


Goosey said...

Another batch of lovely pictures, you are making us think we must visit Canada one day.I googled a common loon, pretty bird too.

laoi gaul~williams said...

our crocus and daffodills have finished for the year now but we have plenty of other things taking their place